strangeworks_qiskit_runtime package


strangeworks_qiskit_runtime.runtime_client module

Strangeworks Runtime Client.

class StrangeworksRuntimeClient(channel, rsc: Resource | None = None, sdk_client: SWClient | None = None, **kwargs)

Bases: RuntimeClient

backend_configuration(backend_name: str) Dict[str, Any]

Return the configuration of the IBM backend.


backend_name – The name of the IBM backend.


Backend configuration.

backend_properties(backend_name: str, datetime: datetime | None = None) Dict[str, Any]

Return the properties of the IBM backend.

  • backend_name – The name of the IBM backend.

  • datetime – Date and time for additional filtering of backend properties.


Backend properties.


NotImplementedError – If datetime is specified.

backend_pulse_defaults(backend_name: str)

Return the pulse defaults of the IBM backend.


backend_name – The name of the IBM backend.


Backend pulse defaults.

close_session(session_id: str) None

Close the runtime session.


session_id – Session ID.

create_session(backend: str | None = None, instance: str | None = None, max_time: int | None = None, channel: str | None = None, mode: str | None = None) None

Create the runtime session.


session_id – Session ID.

job_get(job_slug, **kwargs)

Get job data.


job_id – Job ID.


JSON response.


Get job data for all jobs.

  • limit – Number of results to return.

  • skip – Number of results to skip.

  • backend_name – Name of the backend to retrieve jobs from.

  • pending – Returns ‘QUEUED’ and ‘RUNNING’ jobs if True, returns ‘DONE’, ‘CANCELLED’ and ‘ERROR’ jobs if False.

  • program_id – Filter by Program ID.

  • hub – Filter by hub - hub, group, and project must all be specified.

  • group – Filter by group - hub, group, and project must all be specified.

  • project – Filter by project - hub, group, and project must all be specified.

  • job_tags – Filter by tags assigned to jobs. Matched jobs are associated with all tags.

  • session_id – Job ID of the first job in a runtime session.

  • created_after – Filter by the given start date, in local time. This is used to find jobs whose creation dates are after (greater than or equal to) this local date/time.

  • created_before – Filter by the given end date, in local time. This is used to find jobs whose creation dates are before (less than or equal to) this local date/time.

  • descending – If True, return the jobs in descending order of the job creation date (i.e. newest first) until the limit is reached.


JSON response.

program_run(program_id: str, backend_name: str | None, params: Dict, image: str | None, log_level: str | None, session_id: str | None, job_tags: List[str] | None = None, max_execution_time: int | None = None, start_session: bool | None = False, session_time: int | None = None, channel_strategy: str | None = None) Dict

Execute the program.

  • program_id – Program ID.

  • backend_name – Name of the backend.

  • params – Program parameters.

  • image – Runtime image.

  • hub – Hub to be used.

  • group – Group to be used.

  • project – Project to be used.

  • log_level – Log level to use.

  • session_id – ID of the first job in a runtime session.

  • job_tags – Tags to be assigned to the job.

  • max_execution_time – Maximum execution time in seconds.

  • start_session – Set to True to explicitly start a runtime session.

  • False. (Defaults to)

  • session_time – Length of session in seconds.


JSON response.

strangeworks_qiskit_runtime.service module

Strangeworks Qiskit Runtime Service.

class StrangeworksQiskitRuntimeService(resource_slug: str | None = None, channel: Literal['ibm_cloud', 'ibm_quantum', 'local'] | None = 'ibm_cloud')

Bases: object

Class for interacting with the Qiskit Runtime service.

Qiskit Runtime is a new architecture offered by IBM Quantum that streamlines computations requiring many iterations. These experiments will execute significantly faster within its improved hybrid quantum/classical process.

backend(name: str | None = None, instance: str | None = None) IBMBackend

Return a single backend matching the specified filtering.

backend_options(name: str | None = None, combined: Dict[str, Any] | None = None, min_num_qubits: int | None = None, instance: str | None = None, filters: Callable[[List[IBMBackend]], bool] | None = None, **kwargs: Any) List[IBMBackend]

Return all backends accessible via this account, subject to optional filtering.

backends() IBMBackend

Return a list of available backends.

job(job_id: str) StrangeworksRuntimeJob

Retrieve a runtime job.


job_id – Job ID.


Runtime job retrieved.

  • RuntimeJobNotFound – If the job doesn’t exist.

  • IBMRuntimeError – If the request failed.

jobs() List[StrangeworksRuntimeJob]

Retrieve all runtime jobs, subject to optional filtering for the product

strangeworks_qiskit_runtime.sw_runtime_job module

Strangeworks runtime job.

class Backend(name)

Bases: object

Backend Object

class StrangeworksRuntimeJob(job_slug: str, service: Any | None = None, backend: str | None = None, params: Dict | None = None, session_id: str | None = None, tags: List | None = None)

Bases: object

Strangeworks runtime program execution.

backend() str



Backend where job was run job.

cancel() None

Cancel the job.

  • RuntimeInvalidStateError – If the job is in a state that cannot be cancelled.

  • IBMRuntimeError – If unable to cancel job.

error_message() str | None

Returns the reason if the job failed.


Error message string or None.

interim_results(decoder: Type[ResultDecoder] | None = None) Any

Return the interim results of the job.


decoder – A ResultDecoder subclass used to decode interim results.


Runtime job interim results.


RuntimeJobFailureError – If the job failed.

job_id() str

Return a unique id identifying the job.

property job_slug: str



Job slug of strangeworks job.

result(timeout: float | None = None, decoder: Type[ResultDecoder] | None = None) Any

Return the results of the job.

  • timeout – Number of seconds to wait for job.

  • decoder – A ResultDecoder subclass used to decode job results.


Runtime job result.

  • RuntimeJobFailureError – If the job failed.

  • RuntimeJobMaxTimeoutError – If the job does not complete within given

  • timeout.

property session_id: str

Session ID.


Job ID of the first job in a runtime session.

status() JobStatus

Return the status of the job.


Status of this job.

property tags: List

Job tags.


Tags assigned to the job that can be used for filtering.

strangeworks_qiskit_runtime.sw_session module

class StrangeworksSession(service: StrangeworksQiskitRuntimeService | None = None, backend: str | BackendV1 | BackendV2 | None = None, max_time: int | str | None = 1440)

Bases: Session

Class for interacting with the Qiskit Runtime service.

Qiskit Runtime is a new architecture offered by IBM Quantum that streamlines computations requiring many iterations. These experiments will execute significantly faster within its improved hybrid quantum/classical process.

close() None

Close the session so new jobs will no longer be accepted, but existing queued or running jobs will run to completion. The session will be terminated once there # noqa are no more pending jobs.

run(program_id: str, inputs: Dict, options: Dict | None = None, callback: Callable | None = None, result_decoder: Type[ResultDecoder] | None = None) RuntimeJobV2

Run a program in the session.

  • program_id – Program ID.

  • inputs – Program input parameters. These input values are passed to the runtime program.

  • options – Runtime options that control the execution environment.

  • callback – Callback function to be invoked for any interim results and final result. # noqa


Submitted job.

Module contents

Strangeworks Qiskit Runtime SDK